There are lots of simple ways to save water.

On average, 60% of a Northern Territory household’s water use is in the garden. So, the backyard is a great place to start when considering how you can cut back.

Use our home water calculator to keep track of your water use.  If you find you're using a lot more water than expected,  read more about detecting leaks.

Two smiling kids with 10 quick tips on how to live water smart for Let's Save for Their Future campaign.

Here are ten quick tips on how to live water smart:

Water your garden early in the morning.

Install a smart irrigation controller.

Don't mow your lawn too short. If the roots are shaded, less water will evaporate.

Mulch your garden beds.  It increases moisture retention and adds to the nutrient content.

Choose plant species native to your area as they will be more tolerant to the weather conditions.

Check for leaks. It's simple and can save a lot.

Fix a dripping tap immediately. One drip per second wastes around 30 litres of water a day.

Limit your shower time to four minutes. If you have an older-style shower head, it's using around 19 litres of water per minute.

Install water efficient fittings and appliances in your home.

Sweep your driveway instead of hosing.

Other water saving resources

The Smart Approved WaterMark program independently certifies water efficient products and services in Australia to help consumers select products and services that reduce water use.

Visit Smart Approved WaterMark

Australia's water saving labelling program for products and services that help reduce water use.