Power connections

Whether you want to connect power to a new property, change an existing connection or connect to solar, we have all the information you need.

We recommend an Northern Territory licenced electrician, an accredited electrical installers or your retailer complete the application on your behalf, as the technical details we need may be unfamiliar to you.

You can check which power connection service you will need.


Basic connections

For most residential and small business connections, modifications, temporary disconnections,  and solar PV installations up to 30kVA.


Negotiated connections

For most commercial connections, modifications and solar installations up to 2MW.


Major customer connections

For aggregated rated capacities over 2MW or materiality threshold of 10% of network capacity.


Connections resource centre

Contains all required documentation for the connection enquiry and application process.


Connection fees and charges

Details of fees and charges for power connections, disconnections, including application, and service costs.

Contestable services

When applying for a connection service other than a basic connection service, Power and Water can provide all services relating to your connection from application to commissioning. However, subject to agreement with Power and Water, you may choose to engage an accredited supplier to undertake the design and/or construction work downstream of the connection to Power and Water’s existing network, where it can be constructed safely in isolation of Power and Water’s existing network. This may include extensions and all reticulation within property developments. In the absence of an alterative provider, or as requested by the applicant, Power and Water will undertake these works.

A service is considered contestable if it can be provided by another supplier on a competitive basis, however not all elements of Power and Water’s connection services are contestable. Some examples of the non-contestable elements of Power and Water’s connection services may include but are not limited to:

  • preparation and issue of design specifications
  • review and approval of design undertaken by the connection applicant
  • audit of construction where the connection applicant undertakes the construction works
  • conduct of physical inter-connections to Power and Waters’ distribution network
  • commissioning and testing of the constructed connection assets to Power and Waters’ distribution network
  • integrating the newly created connection assets including any extensions and augmentation into Power and Waters’ asset management systems.

Please note, services provided in Power and Water’s Basic connection services are non-contestable.

For more information, refer to our Connections Policy, or contact one of our team members via email at connect.me@powerwater.com.au

Which connection service do I need?

Basic connection

For connection of residential and small non-residential premises where:

  • supply is available (i.e. there is a power asset (overhead or underground) at the required voltage and with sufficient capacity for the proposed connection)
  • no network augmentation required
  • the maximum demand of the electrical installation is less than or equal to 100 amps per phase
  • connection of micro-embedded generation (for example PV installations) with an inverter capacity of less than 30kVA, in line with AS4777 requirements (Grid connection of energy systems via inverters installation requirements) and consistent with Power and Water’s process regarding small inverter connected generators, where there is no network augmentation required
  • temporary low voltage connections for short term supply, which is defined as a connection for a period of 12 months or less where there is sufficient capacity and no network augmentation required
  • connection of unmetered supply (other than public lighting) with very low wattage usage.

Find out how to connect or change a connection to our network for new homes or small residential or commercial PV (solar) or battery systems.

Negotiated connection

Negotiated connections are those that do not meet the definition of a basic connection service or where the connection applicant elects to negotiate the terms upon which the connection is provided. They may include:

  • dedicated services that only supply the connection applicant that are more than one span of low voltage overhead or 25 metres of low voltage underground cable, at the time of application
  • connection services that do not meet the least cost technically acceptable (LCTA) connection standard for the capacity requirements of the connection applicant
  • connections that are made to an existing part of the Power and Water network that is subject to a pioneer scheme
  • temporary low voltage connections that need network augmentation works
  • generating systems greater than 200kW in Darwin (100kW in all other areas).

Major customer connection

Major connections :

  • have an aggregated rated capacity in excess of 2MW or materiality threshold of 10% of network capacity
  • must be connected to the Transmission Network [66kV inclusive or above]
  • in a location where a power system model is available.