Saving water is smart business.

Saving water in the business place not only helps your bottom line, it also shows your customers, suppliers and employees that you’re committed to our future sustainability.

Make saving water part of your everyday business operations to help reduce your water bill and manage your environmental impact:

If you have an outdoor area

  • Check your irrigation system for leaks once a month. Leaking irrigation is very common and it wastes so much water!
  • Water your garden in the early morning. When the ground is hot, the water will evaporate and you may inadvertently burn your plants.
  • Use mulch. It keeps moisture in the soil, reducing evaporation by as much as 75%.
  • Sweep your driveway instead of hosing.

Inside your workplace

  • Repair leaks. A tap leaking at one drip per second will waste more than 12,000 litres of water a year. If you can see or hear a toilet leaking, you could be losing up to 100,00 litres a year.
  • Install water-efficient products where possible such as water-efficient shower heads in hotel guest rooms and employee showers. The Smart Approved WaterMark program independently certifies water efficient products and services in Australia.
  • Encourage employees and customers to use the half flush toilet option where appropriate. .
  • Make sure the office dishwasher is full before running it.
  • Discuss water efficiency at team meetings, encourage employees to contribute to water saving ideas and appoint a team member to check meters and monitor use.

There are plenty of things you can do to reduce the water use of your business.

Every business should review their water usage and implement strategies to be waterwise. Read the following suggestions and consider how you can implement changes in your business


Find out some simple ways to save water in and around the workplace.


Identify how your business can take simple actions to help save water and money.

Book a Water Smart Heath Check.


Large organisations often have a higher water use. A water efficiency consultation can find ways to help you save.