We are committed to meeting community expectations and achieving better environmental outcomes by improving the performance of the Leanyer Sanderson Waste Stabilisation Ponds (WSPs).

Your feedback is important to us.

Customer contact details

Odour information

Enter address of the property where the odour occurred

Enter the suburb where the odour occurred

How strong is the odour? *

Describe the wind conditions at that time of the odour *

What does the odour smell like? *

What time of the day did you notice the odour? *

How long have you noticed the odour? *

Where on the property was the odour noticed? *

Date you noticed the odour *

Access to the property

e.g. is the item behind locked gates, dogs, are there any trees in the way etc.

Precautions for COVID-19

Are your or any anyone in your household experiencing any symptoms that maybe related to COVID-19? *

Are you or anyone in your household currently self-isolating as a precautionfor COVID-19? *


I/We understand that