The Committee was formed in March 2022 as a representative group of business and residential customers, youth and disadvantaged stakeholders and met several times during 2022.

The purpose of this group was to ensure there was a consistent level of engagement with various stakeholders during the regulatory process and provide advice on how Power and Water can better incorporate and reflect customer priorities and needs within the Regulatory Proposal.

2022 meeting schedule and summary of engagement

29 March


Introduce Power and Water’s engagement process, the Reset Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and the outcomes of the Alice Springs People’s Panel.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee was convened and walked through the RAC Terms of Reference and engagement process. The Committee was also introduced to the customer preferences from the Alice Springs’ March 2022 Peoples Panel.

8 April


Provide project timeline and Reset Advisory Committee Work Plan for engagement.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee agreed on the proposed engagement topics for each session which would cover the full Regulatory Proposal across the engagement process (as per AER feedback from the prior determination).

22 April


Discuss capital expenditure forecasts and drivers, including an initial breakdown of expenditure and how we will incorporate customer feedback.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee was educated on where Power and Water were in developing the expenditure forecasts for the next five years and provided an overview of the categories of capital expenditure and approach to forecasting. This was the introductory session for a three-meeting focus on capital expenditure.

6 May


Discuss replacement, growth and non-network capital expenditure, including the People’s Panels preferences

Purpose and Summary

The Committee was interested in understanding how the outputs of stakeholder engagement activities and the Reset Advisory Committee would be captured in the Engagement Outcomes Report and draft Regulatory Proposal. The Committee also showed interest in how Power and Water plans to support equity issues and the different categories of capital expenditure.

20 May


Discuss the Draft Plan and Regulatory Proposal development and how Power and Water can respond to energy efficiency and equity issues for low-income customers.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee discussed the purpose and proposed contents of the Draft Plan, as well as how the impacts on customers would be considered in forecasts. As per the previous session, there was also interest in vulnerable customers, energy efficiency, renewable technologies and how to make difficult concepts easier for customers to understand.

3 June


Discuss the Draft Plan and Regulatory Proposal development and how Power and Water can respond to energy efficiency and equity issues for low-income customers.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee discussed the purpose and proposed contents of the Draft Plan, as well as how the impacts on customers would be considered in forecasts. As per the previous session, there was also interest in vulnerable customers, energy efficiency, renewable technologies and how to make difficult concepts easier for customers to understand.

17 June


Discuss initial operating expenditure forecasts and drivers, including a recap of People’s Panel outcomes.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee was informed of Power and Water’s current forecasts for operating expenditure and refreshed on the operating expenditure related decisions made at the People’s Panels.

1 July


Provide an overview of the Draft Plan and further information on affordability and operating expenditure.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee was introduced to the proposed contents of the Draft Plan, including any movements in the expenditure category forecasts and the customer preferences developed from the People’s Panels. Further information on affordability was also provided to the Committee.

15 July


Deep dive into the Draft Plan and an update on Regulatory Proposal development.

Purpose and Summary

The Committee spoke further about the Draft Plan including the RAC foreword drafted by energy advocate and specialist, Andrew Nance. Discussions were also held on the future of the RAC.

22 December


Provide an overview of the Regulatory Proposal before submission.

Purpose and Summary

As a result of issues with gathering an appropriate quorum to hold a meeting during the Draft Plan engagement process, this meeting was the first time the Committee was introduced to Power and Water’s final forecasts and was the final touchpoint with the Committee before submission of the Regulatory Proposal. The purpose of this meeting was to inform the Committee of the 2024-2029 forecasts and incorporate any final feedback before submission.