System Control oversees the safe, secure and reliable operation of the Territory’s regulated power systems.
System Control has a statutory role in monitoring and controlling the operation of the power systems in the Northern Territory. It is responsible for overseeing the safe, secure and reliable operation of the Territory’s regulated power systems.
The System Control Licence issued by the Utilities Commission determines Power and Water's statutory obligations.
System Control is responsible for the real time operations, operations planning, power system technical assessments, incident reviews, and operational and technical regulatory reporting.
What you need to know
The Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market (I-NTEM) oversees the wholesale arrangements of electricity between generators and retailers in the Northern Territory.
As the electricity market evolves, more energy providers will join, particularly those with renewable energy solutions. System Control must work towards levelling the playing field to encourage new entrants into the market who can produce energy safely, securely, reliably and in an environmentally efficient manner.
Find out more about the Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market.
System Control and the Market Operator work towards implementing new procedures, redefining processes and improving communication with market participants in the Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market (I-NTEM) and the other regulated regional electricity networks.
The goal of System Control and the Market Operator is to ensure reliability and safety of the networks while encouraging new competition and improvements in machine efficiency.
Power and Water Corporation is the Market Operator within the I-NTEM.
The System Control Technical Code sets out operating protocols, arrangements for security dispatch, arrangements for disconnection, and any other matters relating to monitoring, operation and control of regulated power systems.
The code provides rules for the operation of the Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market. Amendments to the code are made by the Power System Controller and are subject to approval by the Utilities Commission.
Both entities are required to consult with stakeholders in accordance with current regulatory requirements.
The Secure System Guidelines Version 4 are in effect from Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 12:00 hours.
Secure System Guidelines Version 4.2
This supersedes the Secure System Guidelines Version 2.6
Secure System Guidelines Version 2.6
The Secure System Guidelines Version 4 is open to comment on an ongoing basis; please note this will be the location of the current in effect version of the Secure System Guidelines for the foreseeable future.
Direct all comments and queries via email to the Market Operator.
This Schedule of Audit and Inspection is issued pursuant to System Control Technical Code (SCTC) Clause 6.22.1 (e), covers the 2024/25 Financial Year, with a proposed Schedule covering the forward four year period.
This Schedule was established with reference to the requirements laid out in Clause 6.22.1 (c).
System constraints are the result of system parameters. System constraints are designed for the secure operation of the power system within the technical envelope.
Find out more about our current long-standing system constraints, which affect system participants in the Darwin-Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs generation, transmission, and distribution networks.