We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of this land and are committed to reconciliation among all Australians.
Barker Rd - 25 20 15 130 125 115 105 95 80 85 75 70 65 60 55 35
Smyth Rd - 65
Tobin Rd - 120
Humpty Doo
Arnhem Hwy - 905 877 885 875 867 849 845 850
Dargie Rd - 60 48 36 22 65 55 41 31 19
Lakewood Ct - 15 23 29 28 32 31
May Ct - 67 77 25 87 26 72 70 68
Mudlark Rd - 27 63 68 75 78 86 96 6 20 24 32 42 52 7 21 60 43 64
Raintree Ct - 19 9 17 20 18 14 4
Redgum Dr - 90 85 86 75 80 65 70 55 66 60 45 35 50 46 40 30 131 125 135 106 116 100 126 136 29 25
Shell Ct - 50 40 30 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 75
Strangways Rd - 710 670 680 732 730 690 700 740 720 800 760 770 780 790 750
Trippe Rd - 176 182 190 205 225 235 243 249 255 265 275 285 293 297 305 82 80 73 60 50 30 20 170 150 132 140 120 124 110 86 100 83 55 45 65 315 325 329 345 340 320 310 300 294 290 280 276 270 264 260 250
Woodlands Rd - 177 187 188 184 121 117 125 113 105 141 161 140
122 120 116 110 154 164 174 10 22 5 11 21 30 93 85 77 53 61 31 69
45 76 68 52 44 60 100 92 84 36
Tennison Cres.
Mahogany Cres - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Barker Rd - 30
Callistemon Rd - 135
Gunn Point Td - 305
Westall Rd - 190
Kalymnos Drive
Vanderlin Drive
Trower Road
Nakara Tce
Griffe St
Copeland Cres
Kilfoyle St
Witherdon Street
Macredie St
Cahill Cres
Truscott St
Croker St
Goodman St
Bradshaw Terrace
Symes St
Rowling St
Goodman Street
Buchanan Trc
Dripstone Road
Call 1800 245 090 any time if you notice a serious problem with power or water facilities. In an emergency call 000