Monthly contractor HSE report form

Our Power and Water contractors are required to report monthly in relation to works carried out for Power and Water by submitting this health, safety and environmental reporting form by the 7th day of each calendar month.

Contractor's details

Power and Water contract details
Your Power and Water point of contact.
Last health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance meeting with Power and Water representative *
Reporting period

The following details should be for those works and activities undertaken on behalf of Power and Water.

Reporting period *
Any incident that is notifiable to a regulator including NT WorkSafe, NT Environmental Protection Authority, Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security, NT Health, Utilities Commission, Police or other prescribed agency.
Regulatory notices or formal directives received from a regulator including NT WorkSafe, NT Environmental Protection Authority, Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security, NT Health, Utilities Commission, Police or other prescribed agency.
Lost time injury (LTI) is a work related injury or illness certified by a medical practitioner that results in the absence from work for at least one scheduled day or shift.
Medical treatment injury (MTI) is defined as a work related injury or illness that resulted in a certain level of medical treatment (not first aid treatment) provided by a physician or other medical personnel.
First aid injury (FAI) is defined by treatment administered by and within the qualifications of a trained first aid attendant or Occupational Health Nurse.
Hazard is something that could happen with the potential for harm or damage.