Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Variation Register
Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment (PPC & E) that is to be worn based on a task-specific activity, or task-specific location that deviates from the requirements outlined in the Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Procedure | 483KB PDF (CONTROL0052) must be risk assessed and signed off by a Responsible Power and Water Senior Manager to ensure the risk of injury or illness as a result of the deviation is mitigated to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
PPC & E Variations Register
Wearing of hand protection
Using fixed rotating machinery
Work section or group: All
Activity description: Using fixed rotating machinery
PPC & E impacted: Wearing of hand protection (eg gloves)
PPC & E variation: Gloves are not required when operating fixed rotating machinery such as lathes, bench grinders or buffing wheels etc. This must be identified on the relevant task-specific risk assessment, eg Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA).
Variation reason: The use of gloves when operating fixed rotating machinery introduces an increased risk of injury through entanglement. The consequence of injury is considered less when not wearing gloves.
Approved by: Senior Manager, Health, Safety and Environment
Approved date: 28 April 2021
Reference: D2021/182733
Wearing of sun brims with safety helmets during periods of 'strong breeze'
Work section or group: All
Activity description: Wearing of sun brims with safety helmets during periods of 'strong breeze' ( Beaufort Scale ).
PPC & E impacted: Sun brims, chin straps and safety helmets
PPC & E variation: Sun Brim's maybe removed due to high wind issues. Where Sun Brims are removed SPF50+ sunscreen must be applied hourly. The Safety Helmet must be worn at heights or where there is an overhead risk. This must be identified on the relevant task-specific risk assessment, eg Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA).
Variation reason: High Breezes can causes excessive pressure on the jaw of a worker wearing a safety helmet with a sun brim attached.
Approved by: Senior Manager, Health, Safety and Environment
Approved date: 28 April 2021
Reference: D2021/182733
Working under an Electrical Access Authority - Neck to Wrist to Ankle Arc Rated Personal Protective Clothing
Work section or group: Power Services
Activity description: Working under an Electrical Access Authority
PPC & E impacted: Neck to Wrist to Ankle (NWA) Arc Rated Personal Protective Clothing (PPC)
PPC & E variation:
PPC may be adjusted in accordance with the PPC & E procedure to improve cooling where an Access Authority (AA) has been issued if,
- There is no other live apparatus inside or crossing the isolation area or the work area,
- All potential Environmental hazards have been assessed and don’t present any immediate risks,
- The worksite is not within 1km of a Zone Substation (ZSS), and
- The worker can maintain the appropriate sun protection as required.
- This must be identified on the relevant task-specific risk assessment,eg Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA).
Variation reason: To allow PPC to be adjusted for cooling in certain circumstances under an AA.
Approved by: Executive General Manager Power Services
Approved date: 28 April 2021
Reference: D2021/182733
Tree removal under an Access Authority - Neck to Wrist to Ankle Arc Rated Personal Protective Clothing
Work section or group: Power Services
Activity description: Tree removal under an Access Authority (AA) by NON Power and Water Corporation (PWC) Vegetation Contractors after a Natural Disaster
PPC & E impacted: Neck to Wrist to Ankle (NWA) Arc Rated Personal Protective Clothing (PPC)
PPC & E variation: While working on an AA Non Arc Rated clothing may be worn by Non PWC Vegetation contractors to remove trees and tree debris from fallen powerlines. 150gsm 100% cotton NWA must be worn as a minimum.
Variation reason: Allow PWC to engage a wide range of contractors to assist in restoration work after natural disasters. Where wires are on the ground they are isolated by breaks in the conductor (bridging) not just switches.
Approved by: Executive General Manager Power Services
Approved date: 28 April 2021
Reference: D2021/182733
Applying mastic/stress control mastic to High voltage cables - Gloves
Work section or group: Power Services Cable Jointers
Activity description: Applying mastic/stress control mastic to High voltage (HV) cables
PPC & E impacted: Gloves
PPC & E variation: Gloves may be removed when applying HV Jointing electrical mastics. Gloves must be readily available and donned at the completion of the application of the mastic. This must be identified on the relevant task-specific risk assessment,eg Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA).
Variation reason: Contaminants can affect the integrity/quality of the HV cable joint. Clean bare hands ensures contaminants are not be introduced.
Approved by: Executive General Manager Power Services
Approved date: 28 April 2021
Reference: D2021/182733