Put your thoughts to good use

We get it, water has therapeutic qualities and we are all guilty of letting our minds wander from time to time, but it is also a precious resource we need to preserve.

These days there’s just so much to think about; work, family, your next holiday, the name of the elephant in the Banana Splits show you saw as a kid.

But while you’re lost in thought about all this, you’ve been in the shower for twenty minutes, or absentmindedly watering your driveway.

We can’t afford to waste water in the Territory.

The elephant’s name is Snorky. Now it’s time to start Thinking About Water instead.

Tips for saving water inside the home

You don’t need to sing all of “Bohemian Rhapsody” every time you have a shower. Keep your showers and your song choices down to four minutes.

It’s easy to get distracted thinking about how brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton, and leaving the water running. Turn off taps when they are not in use.

While there’s no proven link between water inefficient washing machines and socks going missing in the wash, don’t take the chance. Use a 5-star water efficient washing machine

A leaking toilet can lose over 200,000 litres of water per year: Be sure to regularly check for leaks.

Tips for saving water outside the home

While your mind has drifted off, trying to recall Shane Warne’s bowling average, your backyard furniture has drifted onto the patio. Schedule irrigation in accordance with rain and requirements - irrigate lawns a maximum of three times a week, garden beds twice and natives once a week or less.

Yes, it’s true; nothing is on fire, fire is on things. Also, don't mow your lawn too short. If the roots are shaded less water will evaporate.

If the grass around your tap is long and green, you may have a leak. One drip per second wastes 30 litres of water a day, so fix a dripping tap immediately.

You spend a lot of time wondering why there is a phrase in sign language for “where are you?” Perhaps you should use a tap timer so you don’t forget to turn the watering system off.

Living Water Smart

Visit our Living Water Smart page for more tips on how to save water.

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