Manton Reservoir - Dam Wall maintenance

Works being undertaken

The upper section of the dam wall had minor leaks, which are to be expected given the age of the wall. Power and Water carried out maintenance works to ensure the life of this infrastructure asset is extended.

The water level in the dam was lowered to access the upstream face of the wall for inspections and repairs.

This may have affected recreational use on Manton Reservoir. Local residents may have also noticed higher-than-normal dry season flows of the Manton River.

How does it affect me?

The public may notice some of the following at Manton Reservoir:

  • Lower water levels
  • Smaller dam surface area effecting ski areas
  • Possible underwater objects emerging (buoys will be put in place to warn users)
  • Exposed bank and decomposing underwater vegetation
  • Lower water quality.

Will it affect water quality?

The reservoir is currently not in use to supply potable water. It has been in care and maintenance since early 1980 when Darwin River Reservoir became the main water source for Darwin.

Recreational users of Manton Reservoir may notice some water quality changes as water levels are dropped. Power and Water will be undertaking water sampling throughout the project and will advise recreational users of any changes or risks.

Access restrictions

Recreational users of Manton Reservoir are not expected to experience access restrictions. It is envisaged that the boat ramp will remain operable throughout the project duration. However, investigations may require further lowering of the dam than initially anticipated that could result in the closure of the boat ramp for safety reasons.

Parks and Wildlife are still responsible for crocodile management and may close Manton Reservoir for public safety if necessary.

Manton Dam Map with legend
Mantom Dam access zones and prohibited areas
Mantom dam boat ramp diagram
Water levels at Manton Dam